's been way to long since I've updated, but now that classes have been in session awhile I might as well really start updating. For those of you reading that go to Vandy make sure you check out the Orbis, not just because the paper is awesome, but also because, yours truly will be writing a monthly column in the lifestyle section. My main goal in writing this specific column is not just to help out VIVA, Vanderbilt Initiative for Vegetarian Awareness, or to get some publicity for this blog, but to help educate students on tricks and ways to being a healthy vegan/vegetarian in college.
Originally, I was going to title this blog The College Vegan, but after much consideration I knew I wanted to hit a larger audience than that in the end...thus the.edgy.vedgy was born. :] Clearly, I'm lacking in the followers department, but I'm hoping that can change soon. Anyways...I'll be doing some vegan eating this weekend and working on my next post about some great quick vegan options for your dorm room so hopefully by sunday we'll have some great posts..
until then, continue living meaningfully.
19 hours ago
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